Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Ed Malloy

It is my opinion, and appareently Jason agrees that the IBO have a history of bugs. no one seems to dispute this. I don't think it is necessary to go back and document the many examples which appeared (and I bet probably still do appear) in the IBO news groups.

I have ho problem Jason, nor with anyone who choses to use the IBO softward and I do believe that the bugs get fixed in due time.

It is simply my opinion for me that I have had a much better experience with IBX. The have been easy to use, and rock-solid for me.

I think that my experience is worth hearing.



On 4/12/2002 at 9:20 PM David Jencks wrote:

>Not that he needs my support, but I'm with Jason on this one. I thought
>Jason was being pretty polite. This guy seems to have had plenty of time
>for years to voice his opinion repeatedly, over and over again, that he
>doesn't like something about Jason or his software, but won't supply even
>one example? FUD FUD FUD.
>david jencks
>On 2002.04.12 19:53:47 -0400 R. Tulloch wrote:
>> Hi:
>> > If you are not willing to technically substantiate your claims, keep
>> your
>> > political trash talk to yourself. I've heard enough of it and I think
>> the
>> > community has too.
>> After your comments and attitude I have not heard enough of it.
>> Perhaps it
>> should be directed more toward you.
>> You are the one off the deep end here. He voiced a personal opinion
>> that I did not
>> see as sufficient to warrant you comment "keep your political trash
>> talk to yourself".
>> Lighten up.
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