Subject Re: [IBDI] IBConsole
Author Rob Schuff

well of course one only needs ISQL to do "serious things" with Firebird, but
with other tools you can do serious things **faster**, for example how about
creating SUID procedures for a 50 field table in one mouse click? Or how
about preserving database object documentation in scripts? If you know how
to do the equivalent in ISQL in the same amount of time then my hat's off to
you (and I hope you'll share how you pulled it off).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Krzysztof Golko" <krzysztofgolko@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [IBDI] IBConsole

> --- Rob Schuff <rob@...> wrote:
> > hi robert,
> >
> > 3. ibconsole is well...not the cream of the crop
> > and IMHO not worth its price. ;^)
> This is your opinion, will you allow others to have
> one?
> >
> > There may be other out there that are better the
> > IBE, but I can honestly say
> > that it saves you so much time that the price is
> > really just about
> > irrelevant unless you are programming as a
> > hobby...and even then its worth
> > considering.
> Be assured that many Interbase experts need only ISQL
> to do serious things in Interbase. I would say then
> you're totally wrong, however your argumentation is
> apealling to public imagination
> Cheers