Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: About IBDI
Author Adam Clarke
Starting a US based Not For Profit Organisation is apparently quite

The Apache people probably have someone who could give a few pointers

Also these guys are doing it right now...

They used a temporary commercial company to raise the funds (selling things)
to affort the Not for Profit setup costs.


----- Original Message -----
From: <markus.soell@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:53 AM
Subject: [IBDI] Re: About IBDI

> Hello Ann,
> > So now, it's a new model - quite exciting - something of a
> > meritocracy where merit accrues to activity and knowledge.
> I'm glad you agree to have Firebird as a non-profit venture. I've
> said I had no preference because, being new, I'm not in a position to
> have one. But to be honest, I find the not for profit concept much
> more exciting and I'm sure it's also much more encouraging for all
> the active contributors because, this way, everyone is really part of
> it. Firebird belongs to the Firebird community, that's a very good
> feeling!
> >
> > >If Firebird shall not sell CDs, in order to leave that activity to
> > >IBPhoenix, I think terms should be found on how part of that income
> > >is to flow back to the Firebird project.
> >
> > Absolutely. Wouldn't have it any other way. What I plan to do
> > (subject to being declared barking mad by my partners) is to include
> > a Firebird stipend in the price of every CD. Listed on the page,
> > like shipping and sales tax.
> Sounds great! Since Firebird isn't organized to manage the sale of
> CDs anyway, this sounds like a good partnership. Since the non-profit
> Firebird is economically independent from IBPhoenix, it will do its
> best to also find other forms of sponsoring, but for the sale of CDs
> this looks like a good solution. So I think Firebird should give this
> a try and not sell CDs itself for the moment.
> > The question, is where should that money go? To developers I
> > happen to like? To some organization unnamed? To Markus's new
> > Mercedes?
> :)
> In my opinion, since Firebird is independent and non-profit, it would
> be wise to give to the Firebird core a corporate structure
> (Association), even if it doesn't intend to sell CDs at the moment.
> It will seek other forms of sponsoring or, who knows, receive
> donations, and all such things cannot be handled properly without
> corporate form.
> In the medium term this association should be founded and since you
> will of course (hopefully) be a member (President?), you will
> yourself participate in the decision how the money of Firebird shall
> be used.
> Until then, well, who knows, maybe the Association exists before you
> start selling anything :)
> >
> > >Conclusion: If IBPhoenix wants to sell the CDs and hence build
> their
> > >business on everything related to Firebird, they should, in my
> > >opinion, also adopt the name (Firebird Inc.)
> >
> > Wouldn't I jump at that opportunity! IBPhoenix is a fine name,
> > but tied to the past (IB), and awkward to say. As I wrote elsewhere,
> > I answer the phone "Ann Harrison." I tried answering "IBPhoenix"
> > for a day or two. My office-mate echoed "I be Albuquerque", causing
> > me to dissolve in giggles and ruining whatever impression of
> > professionalism I might have created.
> Indeed, I also think IBPhoenix isn't the ideal name for a business.
> You should check if "Phoenix Consulting" is available and use that
> for your business. Sounds much better!
> >
> > >and take control of the
> > >source code repository. I think there is much sympathie for Ann
> among
> > >the currently active contributors and such a step would probably be
> > >possible (to be discussed with those who have contributed so far).
> >
> > I have no right to control the efforts of those who volunteer their
> > time, and no way to pay for the kind of services that are currently
> > being donated.
> Again, thank you!
> Markus
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