Subject About IBDI
Hello Jaon and Helen,

after your extensive explaining (Helen) I must admit I was wrong with
the statement in my HowTo, according to which IBDI "membership" would
be incompatible with a directing role in Firebird.

I now think the two are perfectly compatible because finally IBDI
stands for the entire InterBase OSS movement, including Firebird.

Among IBDI members there may be some with affinities to Borland and
others who would like to see Firebird as independent. Therefore I
think IBDI membership isn't a useful criterion to categorize people
in any way.

Therefore also IBDI members could take a directing role in a Firebird
association (if it should ever come to life). It's simply up to the
association memebers to designate the directing committee.

I will revise my HowTo in this sense and apologize for the error.

By the way, Helen, thinking about your suggestion to transform
InterBase2000 into, I'm not sure it's a good idea.
With it's more neutral position the current IBDI site can play a role
which won't be able to play because it would
sacrifice its independence. I would rather keep the IBDI site as an
independent source for InterBase and Firebird related news.

On the other hand you are right, three sites is already a lot and
adding another one is too much. But I would prefer to abandon the
current Firebird site because I don't really see what it's good for.
PHPNuke is portal software, but Firebird doesn't need a portal. All
it needs is a clean and plain presentation of the project and its

Best regards