Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBDI
Author Damian Dowling
At 11:33 26/04/2001 , you wrote:
>And another side note about web sites. It's easy to propose
>changes or ideas, it could be also easy to build a new site (but
>someone have to do it), but someone always have to MAINTAIN it
>over time. If no one will step forward and commit time and sweat to
>that, it will never happen despite the magnificence of original idea.
>Especially the maintenance is a hardest part of whole work that
>only few are willing to take.
>Best regards
>Pavel Cisar <pcisar@...>
>Delphree Open Source Initiative
>Nexus project

I have been closely following this discussion and i am willing to develop,
maintain and fund a Firebird site once the objective of the site is settled on.

Helen, Jason, what do you think?

Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd