Subject Re: [IBDI] ibdi agenda article
Author Jason Wharton

Thanks for the excellent comments. I'd like some discussion on this so that
we can publish a consensus here. I would have written something more like
Rob is suggesting but I am not yet 100% comfortable with what YOU all

What I would like to see happen is in the article. I want Borland to play
the open source game fully as far as the *development* of InterBase goes.
They can do whatever else they want in the business sector. But, IB has been
open sourced and it is now essentially community property. They gave it to
us and we are working hard to move it forward. I think it right that they
get in the trench WITH us and not try to control or dismiss us. I could have
worked harder to find a nicer way to say it but I'd rather just be blunt.

Let's pretend I did a better job with the article as Rob has suggested and
that it is time now to write the piece on what IBDI expects to happen. Let's
all discuss what we would like Borland to do and what we can do to support

Here are some suggestions that came quickly to my mind, please add to or
request the removal of items.
Perhaps we could also rank them as essential or non-essential.

Essential things for Borland to do:
Publicly acknowledge the Firebird tree and commit to synchronize with it.
Engineers work freely with Firebird developers as development front line.
Certified builds subset from the Firebird tree. (e.g. Prevent a fork)
Release their bug lists and maintain them in public view.

Non-essential things we would like Borland to do:
Release the documentation for IB6.
End the blag campaigns against all community members.

Essential things for the community to do:
Give due respect to Borland as the principle custodian of the sources.
Give a certain amount of deference to engineers such as Charlie Caro.
Give B. engineers commit rights in Firebird tree.

Things that would be nice if the community did:
Work the hardest on bugs that Borland places priority upon.
Become Borland evangelists and apologists.

Remember, we are mainly concerned about InterBase's development.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Schuff" <robertsc@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: [IBDI] ibdi agenda article

> Hi All,
> As I surfaced from the depths of some serious grant writing to take a gulp
> of air from the real world, I thought I'd scope out Jason's piece on the
> IBDI Political Agenda. Here are my comments FWIW...
> The article still has a pretty strong anti-Borland flavor to it. This
> leaves the reader with less of a feeling of the "all for one and one for
> all" and more of a "boy is Borland not with it yet" feeling. That seems
> contradict sentence 1 of paragraphs 1 and 2.
> I would suggest a differnt approach. Cut the borland stuff out of the
> article. focus on what the true values of IBDI are and support those
> directly and succinctly. Try to do it without mentioning any group's name
> specifically (if you aren't biased in general towards any one entity you
> shoukldn't **have** to mention them specifically) **Then** write a
> piece like "What Borland should do" and have it play off of the agenda
> piece.
> The approach I suggest would allow the salient points of these two
> but related issues to come forward without getting lost in each other.
> ok...gulp, back to the grant depths....
> rob
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert Schuff Bull Run Software
> robertsc@... Portland, OR USA
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