Subject ibdi agenda article
Author Rob Schuff
Hi All,

As I surfaced from the depths of some serious grant writing to take a gulp
of air from the real world, I thought I'd scope out Jason's piece on the
IBDI Political Agenda. Here are my comments FWIW...

The article still has a pretty strong anti-Borland flavor to it. This
leaves the reader with less of a feeling of the "all for one and one for
all" and more of a "boy is Borland not with it yet" feeling. That seems to
contradict sentence 1 of paragraphs 1 and 2.

I would suggest a differnt approach. Cut the borland stuff out of the
article. focus on what the true values of IBDI are and support those
directly and succinctly. Try to do it without mentioning any group's name
specifically (if you aren't biased in general towards any one entity you
shoukldn't **have** to mention them specifically) **Then** write a separate
piece like "What Borland should do" and have it play off of the agenda

The approach I suggest would allow the salient points of these two separate
but related issues to come forward without getting lost in each other.

ok...gulp, back to the grant depths....


Robert Schuff Bull Run Software
robertsc@... Portland, OR USA