Subject Re: [IBDI] ibdi agenda article
Author Kyle Green
All very nice, except that I don't really want to have anything to do with
Borland :)


At 09:19 AM 1/18/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks for the excellent comments. I'd like some discussion on this so that
>we can publish a consensus here. I would have written something more like
>Rob is suggesting but I am not yet 100% comfortable with what YOU all
>What I would like to see happen is in the article. I want Borland to play
>the open source game fully as far as the *development* of InterBase goes.
>They can do whatever else they want in the business sector. But, IB has been
>open sourced and it is now essentially community property. They gave it to
>us and we are working hard to move it forward. I think it right that they
>get in the trench WITH us and not try to control or dismiss us. I could have
>worked harder to find a nicer way to say it but I'd rather just be blunt.
>Let's pretend I did a better job with the article as Rob has suggested and
>that it is time now to write the piece on what IBDI expects to happen. Let's
>all discuss what we would like Borland to do and what we can do to support
>Here are some suggestions that came quickly to my mind, please add to or
>request the removal of items.
>Perhaps we could also rank them as essential or non-essential.
>Essential things for Borland to do:
> Publicly acknowledge the Firebird tree and commit to synchronize with it.
> Engineers work freely with Firebird developers as development front line.
> Certified builds subset from the Firebird tree. (e.g. Prevent a fork)
> Release their bug lists and maintain them in public view.
>Non-essential things we would like Borland to do:
> Release the documentation for IB6.
> End the blag campaigns against all community members.
>Essential things for the community to do:
> Give due respect to Borland as the principle custodian of the sources.
> Give a certain amount of deference to engineers such as Charlie Caro.
> Give B. engineers commit rights in Firebird tree.
>Things that would be nice if the community did:
> Work the hardest on bugs that Borland places priority upon.
> Become Borland evangelists and apologists.
>Remember, we are mainly concerned about InterBase's development.
>Jason Wharton
>CPS - Mesa AZ
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rob Schuff" <robertsc@...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:51 AM
>Subject: [IBDI] ibdi agenda article
>> Hi All,
>> As I surfaced from the depths of some serious grant writing to take a gulp
>> of air from the real world, I thought I'd scope out Jason's piece on the
>> IBDI Political Agenda. Here are my comments FWIW...
>> The article still has a pretty strong anti-Borland flavor to it. This
>> leaves the reader with less of a feeling of the "all for one and one for
>> all" and more of a "boy is Borland not with it yet" feeling. That seems
>> contradict sentence 1 of paragraphs 1 and 2.
>> I would suggest a differnt approach. Cut the borland stuff out of the
>> article. focus on what the true values of IBDI are and support those
>> directly and succinctly. Try to do it without mentioning any group's name
>> specifically (if you aren't biased in general towards any one entity you
>> shoukldn't **have** to mention them specifically) **Then** write a
>> piece like "What Borland should do" and have it play off of the agenda
>> piece.
>> The approach I suggest would allow the salient points of these two
>> but related issues to come forward without getting lost in each other.
>> ok...gulp, back to the grant depths....
>> rob
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Robert Schuff Bull Run Software
>> robertsc@... Portland, OR USA
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