Subject providers rejects interbase for hosting
Author Dmitry Kuzmenko
Hello, All!

It was a good starting point for providers that InterBase is free and OpenSource.
Also is good that FireBird have FreeBSD port, because there are almost all
providers in Russia uses FreeBSD.
But, bad news - providers rejects InterBase for hosting.
The responce from one provider was the following:

"We can't provide interbase-hosting for user's projects by the following
1. any user, logged in ISC4.GDB can connect to any database on the server
and create unlimited count of user objects (tables, procedures, etc).
2. any user, logged in ISC4.GDB, can create unlimited number of databases.

This uncontrolled behavior disallow us to use Interbase as a RDBMS server
for hosting".

Any comments?

Dmitry Kuzmenko, Epsylon Technologies.