Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Eventual home for IB source...
Author Mark O'Donohue
Corey Wangler wrote:

> One thing to keep in mind about where the main CVS
> tree is held is that we need people like Ann and Jim
> to give a guiding hand to the project.... their
> direction is essential to keeping the project on
> track, especially with respect to SQL standards.

I think we are all in agreement on this one.

> For InterBase development to thrive in a similar
> way to Linux, we need people with vision (IMHO,
> they're the NewCo people) for direction, just as
> Linux has Linus Torvalds.
> Personally, I'd like to have the NewCo people decide
> where and how the main source tree is hosted. I'm
> sure that their input into these matters will be heard
> in the near future.


> For now it looks like FireBird and FireBirdAshes
> at SourceForge have the endorsement of NewCo as
> a place to start things happening.

It's what I was waiting for, and I believe that from personal
correspondance that's what I've got.

> I'm hoping that Inprise will cooperate with NewCo
> in these regards, as I suspect most people in the
> InterBase community have a desire to have NewCo
> as a focal point for future development.

I think the future will be with whoever does work on the product,
I think that the "community" probably wanted something at the
moment that was an arms length from Inprise, particularly becuase
of the way the ISC thing blew up.

In the long term I think Inprise and NewCo probably both have something
to gain by having some sort of relationship.

