Subject Namechange of IB
Author Mike Nordell
Mark O'Donohue wrote:
> Following "dale1" link on sourceforge you get to a guy called "Dale
> and he set it up in January

In other words: Wasted diskspace on SourceForge. I think he has proven to
not be the responsible person to handle it.

However, it gets better I think with the following.

> SourceForge sounds good as an eventual drop off point, perhaps the mers
> can be used until that is finalised, but I think were going to have give
> a name change first.

OK, let's try some brainstorming and see what falls out?

- FreeBase (nope, don't think so)
- NetBase (next thing is OpenBase and we've covered *BSD)
- Sequel, the Sequel
- Revisionist
- DataStore IB
- T-BO (The InterBase Offspring)
- T-Bone (T-BO Net Effect)
- Maintenance Dream (Build Nightmare?)
- Jimbo
- Reliant (isn't that already a trademark?)
- Net Effect
- SpeedBump
- Backdrop (gives a nice background to build a scene in front of)
- Alice (from the sources - "All else")
- InfoStore
- InfoBase
- TINIB (This Is Not InterBase - as recursive as it is to build it :-) )
- Infinity
- BaseDriver (DriverBase sound too much like a device driver skeleton)
- Foundation!

Some arguments:
- Small, cheap and on time - pick any three
- Worlds Most Portable DB at an unbeatable price
- Information at your fingertips? Bah, Information on time!

Mike Nordell