Subject Re: [IB-Architect] CVS guru?
Author Oliver Sturm
Hallo Mark,

Am Sonntag, 30. Juli 2000 um 15:37:20, haben Sie geschrieben:

>> Hm. I thought I might be able to use the stuff from the tgz files as a
>> starting point, as they should be identical at this point to the stuff
>> in the cvs at mers. Then later, I can get up to date easily by
>> synchronizing. But you say there's no way telling CVS "here's what I
>> got now, compare for changes and get me what I haven't got"?

> The trouble is that the source files are identical but the stuff in the
> CVS directories will be differnet, the ones in the .tar.gz files will point
> to (and contain details about) file versions and directories in the
> CVS repositry.

And if I delete those?

> Since the source files are identical, and at this early stage, the main thing
> that is going to change is the build and make stuff, you might as well work
> on the files you've got, then when you are happy with it you can do some
> directory diffs etc then to work out exactly what you want to checkin to
> mers.

I'm not sure whether or when I'm going to check in anything into that
repository. But I think it's the easiest way of keeping track with the
loads of daily changes that are going to be happening. (Being
enthusiastic on a Sunday ;)

Oliver Sturm

Always proofread carefully in case you something out.
Oliver Sturm / <sturm@...>

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