Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Open Letter
To the Inprise Management Team:

Consulting medium grained software-companies is no peace of cake either. I have to deliver a Report on Monday containing the strategy of the next development products for one of my customers. So what can I tell them ? The only facts I have read so far indicate that InterBase -in the current situation- is a dead end, if not open sourced. For my customer -considering the current situation they are in- I planed to recommend a Borland/Inprise package containing Delphi 5, InterBase 6 (Open Source) in combination with IBX/IBO-Components, even I am still not content with Delphi's COM-bottleneck support for CORBA, but the InterBase Open Source initiative is more important in that context.

Even if my option doesn't count, I think it is time for you to take action and make a decision. Don't leave everyone in uncertainness. You are killing InterBase and you are hurting the good Borland/Inprise reputation and you are loosing credibility not only to people who have been involved for 14 years.

Stephan Müller

Informatiker - Freier Berater

P.S. I refer to Claudio Valderrama: "Excuse me if I used offensive words. English is not my native language."

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