Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Open Question to IB Developers
Author Adam Clarke
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Reeves [mailto:paul@...]

> An alternative may be a simple script that is run after a
> standard Red Hat or
> SuSE install. It just rips out the fluff and leaves the essentials.

I'm not sure about other distros, but RedHat has a 'Kick Start' option
that let's you script a RH install including the installation of extra
packages etc. That could be way to approach this.

Take a vanilla distribution CD, add the IB installation script and "hey
presto" you've
got the official IB RedHat or IB SuSE or IB ... install.

This has the advantage of leveraging the work already going in to those
products. We could just value add to that.
