Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Open Question to IB Developers
Author Phil Shrimpton
> From: Paul Reeves [mailto:paul@...]


> An alternative may be a simple script that is run after a
> standard Red Hat or
> SuSE install. It just rips out the fluff and leaves the essentials.

I think this is the Key point here. I am sure IBCorp is/will be talking to
all the main distributors of Linux about including IB in their distro and
other requirements. I can only talk about SuSE (tried the rest, but settled
with SuSE), but it is quite straight forward to create and configure an
installation script. If the IB6 RPM's (or what ever) are included in the
distro, I am sure that a 'Minimum Interbase Installation' script could be
included as well. I am pretty sure there is enough of us using different
distros to create a script for each one.

You could take this one step further (depending on licensing), and include
the 'cut down' versions of the main distros on the 'certificated kits of
IB', e.g. SuSE IB, RedHat IB etc. I think this will be better than an 'IB
Linux' distro.

> Ultimately there is just not enough
> to twiddle with in Windows and Linux represents the new
> challenge.

Exactly, with Windows you either have the option of 'easy' mouse clicks,
near-impossible hidden registry settings or a re-install. In Linux you have
full access to every parameter in a config file or 10, and if that does not
work, you change the source code and re-compile.

Easy of use, low flexibility, low learning curve 'Vs' hard to use, full
flexibility, high learning curve, you take your choice!

Most Windows 'users' are not developers or Administrators, most Linux users


Phil Shrimpton
Project JEDI DCOM Team Captain
Project JEDI Library Team
Registered Linux User #155621