Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Re: Some thoughts on IB and security
Author Adam Clarke
> From: Jim Starkey [mailto:jas@...]
> Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2000 6:59

> [Samba is great. Borders has 7 Samba books, one three inches
> thick. Samba emulates one mouse click on Windows. Big win
> for Gates. Big loss for mankind.]

Windows does not remove this complexity, it puts a veneer on it.

When things go belly up SMB wise I'd rather have all the info I
get with Samba than the pathetic help files, pitiful technical
notes and cryptic registry settings I end up trawling through in

There's ups and downs with each approach, but until someone does
actually design a completely intuitive, intelligent and pro-active
system (rather than just talking about one) we need access to the
complexity as developers to make our products work. We can't just
wait until Bill or Jim gets around to fixing it for us.

Now if the well documented complexity comes with a shiny veneer
that does the job for me even 80% of the time I'd be truly happy.
