Subject AV for CreateBlobStream?
Author ifitsx
with v4.9.14.b35 installed manually: CRT, CDT, XDT

DXE2/sp3, Win7 X64/sp1, target Win32

Using TDataSource, TIBODatabase, TIBOQuery:

I've been using this app for years, and finally 'succeeded' in moving it to DXE2.

Starts ok, loads all virtualtree nodes.


BlobStrmLoad := qryForThisNote.CreateBlobStream(qryForThisNote.FieldByName('NOTES'), bmRead);


Project <myapp> raised exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x005f3079: read of address 0x00000000

yet this does not return error and works ok

BlobStrmSave := qryForThisNote.CreateBlobStream(qryForThisNote.FieldByName('NOTES'), bmWrite);
