Subject I thought you would want to see this from the Firebird support list Jason
Author Adrian Wreyford
Cut and paste from the Firebird Support List.

>>> Graphical components and UI admin tools can trap us into thinking that
>>> an
>>> "empty result set" (a row of blank fields in a grid or "dataset"
>>> structure) is a row of nulls. Of course it's no such thing, but such
>>> perceptions can delude us when we visit PSQL-Land.
>> Just a quick note, I do not know a componentset or GUI tool
>> that displays an empty row where there is no row in the set.
> Running a query with no resultset in IBConsole or IBOConsole both show a
> row
> of null field values. At least older versions do, not sure of the latest
> since I don't have them.
> Woody (TMW)

Plain and simple: that's wrong.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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