Subject Odd TIB_Cursor problem in 4.8.7
Author tickerboo2002
I've recently upgraded to 4.8.7 and come across an odd problem that I
cannot figure out:

Using BCB2006, I create a TIB_Cursor

pCur->SQL->Text = "Select USER_ID from USERS where

pCur->Params->Columns[0]->AsString = sUser; // Works
pCur->Params->Columns[1]->AsString = sPW;

pCur->ParamByName("USER_NAME")->AsString = sUser; // Fails
pCur->ParamByName("PW")->AsString = sPW;

Usually I always use ParamByName, but pCur->ParamByName("PW") is
failing to return a column. If I look through the params columns it
lists USER_NAME and PW. Using an index into the columns works fine.

What could be causing this, has something changed in recent versions
of IBO (was using 4.6 until recently), or have I overlooked something
glaringly obvious. Using BCB, it's a pain to debug into the IBO source.