Subject Re: [IBO] Odd TIB_Cursor problem in 4.8.7
Author Lucas Franzen
tickerboo2002 schrieb:
> I've recently upgraded to 4.8.7 and come across an odd problem that I
> cannot figure out:
> Using BCB2006, I create a TIB_Cursor
> pCur->SQL->Text = "Select USER_ID from USERS where
> pCur->Prepare();
> pCur->Params->Columns[0]->AsString = sUser; // Works
> pCur->Params->Columns[1]->AsString = sPW;
> pCur->ParamByName("USER_NAME")->AsString = sUser; // Fails
> pCur->ParamByName("PW")->AsString = sPW;
> Usually I always use ParamByName, but pCur->ParamByName("PW") is
> failing to return a column. If I look through the params columns it
> lists USER_NAME and PW. Using an index into the columns works fine.
> What could be causing this, has something changed in recent versions
> of IBO (was using 4.6 until recently), or have I overlooked something
> glaringly obvious. Using BCB, it's a pain to debug into the IBO source.

Have you tried using: ParamByName('USER_NAME')

instead of: ParamByName("USER_NAME") ?

At least I use this with Delphi for years and it's working.