Subject Re: [IBO] IBO 4.5 & Firebird 2: objects remain in use
Author Aurimas Černius

> >I have a problem with objects, remaining in use.
> >IBO 4.5 Firebird 2.0
> Not a happy combination. IBO 4.5 doesn't support the new features that
> came with Firebird 2 and above.

OK, I'll have this in mind. But I'm not about upgrading to newer version
of IBO, possibly we'll migrate to UIB.

> >I have one DB connection in application, separate transaction and querys
> >on each form. After openning a form and openning few querys, procedures,
> >used in those querys are in use and can not be modified (trivial). After
> >i close the form (querys are also closed and transactions rolled back),
> >procedures remain in use and still can not be modified.
> >We use TDatase compatible IBO components.
> >
> >Why can such thing happen?
> It is meant to happen. Once a SP or trigger is in the cache, it can't be
> modified until all users are logged out.

Thanks, that makes it clear.
But it appears, that there is no such problem with firebird 1.5?

> >Is there a way to fix it?
> Not broken.

Nice to know that.

> >Does it have affect on over all database performance?
> Well, obviously, if you are trying to mix metadata updates with user
> operations...

We don't do that, it's just anoying for developpers. If it doesn't hava
affect on end-users, it's acceptable.
