Subject IBO Admin: unable to restore on one machine
Author Ed Dressel
I have an application that quickly restores a database from a ZIP
file--it runs fine on one machine with IBO Admin, but not a second.

On the tarkget machine, it gives me an exception:

Debugger Exception Notification
Project QuickRegUnzipUnpack.exe raised exception class EIBOClientError
with message 'InterBase library gds32.dll not found in the path.
Please install InterBase to use this functionality'. Process stopped.
Use Step or Run to continue.
OK Help

The code calling the exception is at the top of the 'attach' process:

if @dll_service_attach = nil then
IBOError(iboeInterBaseMissing, [nil]);

But the GDS32.dll file does exist in the path (System32)--I even tried
putting a copy in the app directory with no success.

I can successfully get a TIB_Connection just fine in the same app.

What should I be looking for?

Ed Dressel