Subject Re: [IBO] IBO Admin: unable to restore on one machine
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:14 AM 15/01/2008, you wrote:
>I have an application that quickly restores a database from a ZIP
>file--it runs fine on one machine with IBO Admin, but not a second.
>On the tarkget machine, it gives me an exception:
>Debugger Exception Notification
>Project QuickRegUnzipUnpack.exe raised exception class EIBOClientError
>with message 'InterBase library gds32.dll not found in the path.
>Please install InterBase to use this functionality'. Process stopped.
>Use Step or Run to continue.
>OK Help
>The code calling the exception is at the top of the 'attach' process:
> if @dll_service_attach = nil then
> begin
> IBOError(iboeInterBaseMissing, [nil]);
> end;
>But the GDS32.dll file does exist in the path (System32)--I even tried
>putting a copy in the app directory with no success.
>I can successfully get a TIB_Connection just fine in the same app.
>What should I be looking for?

Hard to say...if the application uses IBOAdmin then it shouldn't need to look for a client libary anywhere except on the client machine. Obviously it is required there, so that the client can attach to the *server* in order to pass the service call in. On the server side no client program (such as gbak) is called: the service_mgr executes services calls internally.

Is it possible the client machine is using an old (IB 5.6) copy of gds32.dll? (where the Services API isn't supported!)
