Subject Re: [IBO] Strange behaviour tabbing into empty grid?
Author dmarmur2002

If you do not use color coding I think I can dig up a workaround for
you. Currently, my application has a setting for visually impaired
users that turns off color coding and gets rid of this problem. Users
that use the screen suffer from lost connection when tabbing into
emptu grids but they get the correct coding - something used rather
much in educational sessions around my app. You'll have to have a
little patience but I think I'll have time to dig a bit later
tomorrow. However - I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with a
solution for you - it's all to vague at the moment and as you said
there might be differences in other related configurations.

A side note; did ever try to you use TIB_CtrlGrid?

Comitted; yes it's a pain - I agree. But I don't see anything else
that would be more substitutable and at the same time deliver the
excellency of most of the rest of IBO.



> Hello Dany
> >
> > Paul!
> >
> > I'm so delighted that someone else finally has run into this
> > (though it no fun on your part). This has nothing to do with
> > the version you are quoting in your post. It's years old
> > (though something else in the new verison might have
> > triggered different behavious).
> >
> > Search on my name in the ng look at threads with Geoff
> > involved and you will find some info. I have hacks and rants
> > if you are interested!
> I'm delighted you're delighted - I think :-/
> I have had a search through. I tried Jasons suggestion of setting
> AlwaysShowEditor to True - but it makes no difference. I also tried
> commenting out the last 2 lines of TIB_CustomGrid.CMEnter - but that
made no
> difference either.
> Also I'm seeing the problem with a vanilla grid - no embedded
controls, no
> special settings etc.
> >
> > The support and the willingness from IBO to take care of
> > intricate GUI issues has been very bad the last couple of
> > years (IMHO). Especially when it comes to grids and embedded controls.
> I agree - and its very scary when you are deeply committed. However
I have
> always found a way round - even if it has been to use non data aware
> components to provide what the customer wants!
> I think the problem is that grids are so complex and there are so many
> different ways of configuring them that it's a very difficult area
to mess
> with. You saw this problem in 5 years ago - I've only just found it and
> I've been using IBO for a lot longer than 5 years.
> >
> > You can get some interesting revelations on your problem by
> > embedding controls for all cols in the grid. Also try to
> > press the Alt key twice when focus is "hidden". Do you use
> > color coding?
> >
> Since the problem occurs in a plain grid without embedded controls
or color
> coding hopefully it will be easier to find and will fix the other
> ;-)
> I'll start poking around but I think it's probably beyond the scope
of my
> brain.
> Regards
> Paul