Subject RE: [IBO]D2007 install problems
Author Paul Hope
Hi Helen

Thank you for your reply

I tried it again following your advice and it worked ;-) second attempt

First time I went through every package and set its output,unit output and
dcp output paths to a subdirectory of the source. I built all the packages
and the bpls appeared in the directory. I put the source path and this bpl
path into the search paths - for some reason D2007 couldnt find the bpls so
could not install anything.

I then removed the output directory paths so used the default (documents and
setting\..\documents\rad studio\5.0\bpl) I then installed each DT package
and all is fine ;-)


> >Attempting to install IBO4_8_7 into D2007 so it co-exists with D6.
> >
> >Unzipped installer and ran install. Did the first part OK then went
> >onto installing into the IDE - got an error message that it clashed
> >with another version, zip up the log files and send them to Jason.
> >Couldnt find any log files.
> >
> >Tried opening the project group and compiling / installing
> the packages
> >seperately. Some worked but some fell over looking for a few things
> >like IB_Events - these where INT files in the source. Added
> the source
> >folder to the library path. D2007 locked in access
> violations when trying to close.
> I run 4 versions of Delphi on the same machine, though not
> D2007, with a variety of IBO versions. I keep a separate
> source folder for each Delphi/IBO installation pair and I
> make a "dcu" folder inside that folder as the destination for
> the dcu files (all set up in the environment paths before I
> begin the install). I make BPL files go to
> $DELPHI$\projects\bpl in all cases. I *always* install IBO
> from the raw source kits/BPG.
> >Removed the packages from the IDE and deleted the bpl files.
> Ran the
> >installer again - this time went all the way through -
> however nothing
> >installed.
> I don't know about D2007 and paths, whether there is
> something nasty that overrides your own settings for package
> installations...
> >Any ideas?
> The main idea is to ensure that you are in control of where
> all of the compiled bits and pieces go and that Delphi knows
> where they are. Have you checked the path settings in the
> setup dialog of each BPG, to ensure that you don't have stuff
> from different installations going to some common place, such
> as the win\system32 folder?
> Helen