Subject RE: [IBO] IBObjects: Google Oblivious
Author Jason Wharton
> Out of curiosity, I ran the following query on Google...
> firebird native connection library for delphi
> ...and the interesting thing is that the term "ibobjects" or
> even "ibo"
> could not be found on the results pages until page 3 of the results.
> Even then the official IBObjects website did not appear even
> after Page 5.
> I also tried (without quotes of course):
> * "delphi firebird access" [no mention on first page, just a
> mention on
> 2nd page]
> * "interbase native connection library for delphi" [no mention on
> anywhere upto pg 5]
> I don't know how important this is right now - considering
> how swamped
> Jason must be, but please add it to your to-do list as something that
> needs to be done.... Just a thought. There is definitely a need to
> optimize the site for Search Engines. It does not matter
> that IBOBjects
> is an excellent tool if only a handful know about it.

What's cool is now your post from my support list is the first item in the
google search!

If there is anyone in the IBO community that knows how to groom my web-site
for better search engine rankings please please please coach me. I don't
have time or resources right now to cover all the in's and out's of search
engine mechanics but this is an important part of what will help IBO remain
competitive and viable.

Thanks for looking into this and bringing it to my attention.

Kind regards,
Jason Wharton