Subject good it is??
Author Carlos GarcĂ­a Trujillo
i was reading here and there that zebedde is an option to can access
firebird over internet with good speed...

but i want to know how good really this tool is??? it is comparable
the speed with zebedee with the speed of a 3-tier like Asta???

i'm thinking about this because using zebedee i dont need to re-write
my app to run over internet, otherwise i must rewrite all to be a
Asta application now, and must change a lot of things and
dependencies that i've solved so nicely using IBO, and are not
present with Asta...

anybody here is using zebedee with real success???

what the IBO staff recomends in this cases??? i cant buy terminal
service licenses, because would be too many clients... any other

Thanx in advance =:-)