Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOBackupService/TIBORestoreService
Author Ramil
Hello Steve,

There are no such components TIBOBackupService and TIBORestoreService.
Probably you have confused them with included in Delphi
TIBBackupService and TIBRestoreService (IBX).
Refer to IBX documentation.

I can recommend directly using gbak.exe for the full control over process.
You can simply terminate process of Backup/Restore.

Best regards,

> Hi All,

> I have an issue where during backup or restore the backup file (Fbk)
> is being left open. The components are connecting to Firebird using
> cpLocal and the application is basically a single user application. I
> was under the impression that when I set TIBOBackupService.Active or
> TIBORestoreService.Active to False that the Fbk would be closed. This
> apparently isn't the case. How can I tell when/if the backup file
> closes? Is there a way to force it's closure?

> Thanks,
> Steve

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Best regards,
Ramil R. Khabibullin khabibr@...