Subject Re: [IBO] Creating a database via it's alias
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Helen,

> >I got a customer report:
> >
> >I have an alias configured on a remote server but this alias does not
> >represent existing database file.
> >
> >So I use the alias in order to create the database but as result I get
> >error message which says that file named like alias does not exists.
> >
> >for example:
> >
> >aliasdb = /opt/firebird/data/aliasdb.fdb
> >
> >I use "aliasdb" as file name in database create wizard and as result it
> >sasy that "//aliasdb" does not exists.
> It looks as though s/he's trying to use the wrong protocol for a
> remote connection.

Database Workbench will enter the server name.

> Missing servername? Also looks a bit like a
> stuffed attempt at impersonation (doesn't work in Fb 1.5). Needs a
> proper username and password.
> >Do you have any idea if IBO supports this? Or will, for example,
> >the automatic file recognition thingy mess this up somehow?
> IBO supports it and Firebird supports it. What's the database create
> wizard? It works fine with IB_SQL's "wizard", i.e.

If it's a customer of Upscene, that must be Database Workbench ;-)

From what I can see, this is what's being sent to the server:

create database 'server:alias' -> and then the

(TCP/IP protocol)

So, you are saying this -should- work correctly?

> 1) create the alias on the server
> 2) make sure the firebird user and group have rwx permissions to the
> directory tree where the database is going to go
> 3) either open isql and give it
> create database 'myserver:aliasdb' user 'artful' password 'dodger';
> or, in IB_SQL's login tab, type myserver:aliasdb in the path, enter
> user name and password , scroll to select dialect 3 and click the
> 'Create database' button.

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions
My thoughts:
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