Subject SV: [IBO] Re: IBO memo
Author Harvey R Shaw
Hi Alan

Do I understand correctly - TRichView is TIB_XXX compatible?

TIB_RichEdit can be used for formatting text: Bold, Colors etc.?

I have placed a TIB_RichEdit connected with TIB_query on form. I have tried with BLOB field and Varchar. I don't see any properties to set for the RichEdit giving me formatting capability. So I've run the program and I can not see difference between the RichEdit functionality and a memo. I have worked with InfoPower where if I remember correctly one double clicked the memo and a text editor was provided. It is this functionality I am looking for.


> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:
> [] På vegne af Alan McDonald
> Sendt: 2. juli 2005 10:00
> Til:
> Emne: RE: [IBO] Re: IBO memo
> > Hi Lester,
> >
> > I had a feeling my reply would get your response. But no not plain
> > text, formatted. That was what my initial message was
> about, the need
> > for a memo with editor, TIB_Objects compatible, for formatting text.
> >
> > Bye
> > Harvey
> again - the use of TRichView linked via IBO queries and using
> their binary format and dynamic styles is the best way to
> travel for the ultimate in WP functionality. If you want
> something less than the ultimate in WP functionality then use
> the IB_RichEdit. I typically run my apps solely with IB_
> components and when I want to edit using TRichView, I do a
> IBO query for the field in question. Works very nicely thank you.
> Alan
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