Subject Re: master-detail problem after upgrade to 4.5 (eval)
Author rudi_josic
--- In, "rudi_josic" <rudijosic@c...> wrote:
> --- In, "rudi_josic" <rudijosic@c...>
> > hi all and excuse my english.-
> >
> >
> > Ater a large vacations and new 'semestre' on the university i
> to
> > do some homeworks again jejeje...
> >
> > I upgrade my old ibo 4.3(eval) to 4.5(eval) recently downloaded
> from
> > ibo's page.
> >
> > what my sorprise... the master-detail relations did't work. it
> seems
> > like the ib_query don't find the masterlink data.
> >
> > the error said that the token is unknown "_0"
> >
> > i try to open my old's proyects (fully tested and great
> califications
> > in 4.3)
> > and the same message is posted.
> >
> > i though that my instalation was wrong and i install again...
> > but the same :( (how i can do something wrong with an installer)
> but
> > i delete all old ibo's entry and dcu's. and install again.... but
> the
> > same :(
> >
> > even in the ib_query editor the error message is shown when tryin
> to
> > prepare.
> >
> > when i delete the masterlink entry. it works, or almost prepare
> > query.
> >
> > now i'll try to place masterliks values in runtime to do
> something :)
> >
> >
> > anybody can help me???
> >
> >
> > Delphi 7
> > IBO 4.5b (eval)
> > Firebird 1.5
> >
> > thank's in advance
> >
> > Rudi Josic.
> Hi again.
> Ok, i open and run the masterlinks example from ibo samples
> and it works fine. then, is not my system or instalation the
> problem....
> in the masterlinks sample, the fields names are in ABC format and i
> use "abc" one. i use a SQl DIALECT 3 in my data base definition and
> in the ib_connection too.
> i mean, i use for masterlink:
> "Detail_Table"."Id_Master" = "Master_Table"."Id"
> and in the ibo's sample use:
> in ibo 4.3 i use perfectly the lowercase quoted field names.
> "Detail_Table"."Id_Master" = "Master_Table"."Id"
> and when install the 4.5 it does not work.
> then, is there a bug or i lose something?

Hi again.-

i set a new query (tib_query) with keylinks values and the same data
format "lowercase fields names" and works fine, i put a
tib_lookupcombo and retrieve all data ok and links data fine.

then the problem is only in the masterlinks

i create a new database with uppercase fields names and try again and
it works (master-detail).

it could be a bug with the masterlinks in the parser or something
like it? i think it, because in the keylinks works ok and in the
masterliks not.

in resume, i note that:
masterlinks only accept uppercase fields names.
keylinks accept upper and lowercase fields names.
(TABLENAME.FIELDNAME) AND ("Table_Name"."Field_Name")

thanks for your time.-

Rudi Josic.