Subject RE: [IBO] for Jason: TIBOQuery vs. TFIBDataset speed test
Author Enrico Raviglione
At Thursday, June 02, 2005 9:25 AM, Thomas Steinmaurer wrote
> Enrico,
> > what kind of index we must add to our database, an Index on system
> > tables ? But this kind of operation are not discouraged ?
> > I don't remeber why but during the transition fron FireBird 1.0.x to
> > 1.5.x i have readed that the index on the system table are
> lost in some
> > circustances, backup -> restore or some other.
> Firebird 1.5 introduced three new indexes on system tables, thus this
> was one reason why the ODS (On-Disk Structure) was increased
> from 10.0
> to 10.1.
> These indexes will be created when moving from Firebird 1.0
> to 1.5, when
> you make a backup with 1.0 and a restore under 1.5. They
> shouldn't get
> lost whenever you make a restore under Firebird 1.5.

Hi Thomas,

i know that, but if i create some new indexes on system table, then i
make a backup and then a restore of my database i lost them.

Best Regards.

Enrico Raviglione

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