Subject [IBO] Re: TIB_Syncursor problem
Author Steve Fields
Correction IBO4.3 not IBO4.5Ah

Steve Fields

--- In, "Steve Fields"
<stevefields2424@y...> wrote:
> --- In, Thomas Steinmaurer <ts@i...> wrote:
> >
> > As said. An DML caching application recompiled with 4.5Ai works fine
> > here. Not that much help I fear.
> >
> > But, you check the following:
> >
> > - Is the AFTER INSERT trigger on the log table active?
> AfterInsert/AfterUpdate/AfterDelete triggers are set up,
> (and IBO$DMLCACHE triggers are set)
> > - Does it have the POST_EVENT statement?
> > - Is the event name exactly the one you are using in TIB_SyncCursor?
> default SyncCursor settings and all match,
> > - And, are you sure that people are connecting to the database with
> > distinct database users?
> and each user is logged on differently
> I have not made any changes to the basic program
> between the last recompile with IBO 4.5Ah and
> IBO 4.5Ai and when comparing an old program with
> the current one: the older one works the new one
> does not. I sent a copy of a test program to Jason
> that also did not work. It had all of the basics set.
> (I have a program that I run that creates all of the standard
> triggers and cache DML file and triggers. I have used it
> for several years and nothing has changed)
> Thanks,
> Steve Fields