Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Import and Primary Key problem
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:34 AM 11/11/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm trying to work through various challenges with IB_Import.
>Working with my full tab delimited record, I encountered
>"Invalid char/format error in ascii file."
>(The records are exported from an ACCESS db with various inserts
>in the varchar/blob fields such as #NEW LINE#, and for one field
>#NULL# for which I inserted a 'SKIP' [my SkipFieldMarker])
>So I've tried to simplify and just use the first few fields to
>get IB_Import working.
>The first exported field from the ACCESS db is its own ID for
>which I have started the fieldlist with SKIP.
>I want my own ID and have a generator for that.
>So, working with 20 fields (20-1 from the ACCESS db) I have stepped
>into IB_Import.pas safely down to "if OKtoPost then begin"
>However DSql.Execute returns
> "validation error for IMPID, value ***null***"
>which is my primary key.
>I have defined a generator for the table and set the table
>component's GeneratorLinks as "IMPID=IMPID_GEN"
>Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Show us your INSERT statement.
