Subject RE: [IBO] Re: Catastrophic Failures on Hyperthreading machines
Author Calin Pirtea
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zach Saw
> I notice they've released RC2. I tried it on RC1. So I gave it
> another shot and it resulted in exactly the same failure --
> Project Project12.exe raised exception class EAccessViolation with
> message 'Access violation at address 1002CE0B in module 'gds32.dll'.
> Read of address 00000004'.
> > I would advise you to post this on fb development list and maybe
> ask for details about the bugfix.
> >
I think your best bet is to find details about the bug that was fixed.
It might give some insights as to what else in the same area could go wrong.

There were several bugs on closing the connection in the history of Interbase maybe you've found another one.

I remember running IBO and 1.5.0 on HT without problems.
Are you using events by any chance?

Do you have a simple sample that reproduces the problem so I could run it here? I have XP Pro with HT disabled but I could enable HT and give it a try.

I'll read the whole thread to get see if I can get the full picture.


Calin Pirtea
Communicare Systems Pty Ltd
+61 (8) 9332 2433
+61 (4) 19 906 150
+61 (8) 9310 1516 (fax)