Subject RowSelect again, was Re: Help File
Author andygarneruk
--- Andy Garner wrote:
> Thanks both for the helpful feedback. However I'm still stuck on the
> effect of RowSelect.
> RowSelect does more than "makes the whole selected row appear
> highlighted or not" (IBO help file) but I'm unable to fathom out
> what that is. Does anyone have a little more time to spend on the
> case with me please?

--- Helen Borrie wrote:
> I'm actually struggling to understand what you need. RowSelect
> really doesn't do much at all.
> All I've ever known RowSelect to do is switch on or off the
> standard Windoze grid highlighting behaviour with respect to
> selecting multi-row subsets from within your set. So if is true,
> then the user will be able to hold the shift or ctrl key
> and then select away using the mouse.

Thanks Helen for taking up the case. All I was looking for was to
highlight the current grid row (dark blue is fine), rather than
relying on the arrow head indicator (from IndicateRow). Users say
highlighting makes the current row more obvious. RowSelect seemed to
be the ideal property for this (IBO help = "This property makes the
whole selected row appear highlighted or not") and indeed it does
have that effect. (I think it is IndcateSelected that gives the muti-
select capability?).

But users reported an undesirable side effect of RowSelect, which was
the subject of my initial post:

> When a datasource has more columns than a grid can display,
> the user can scroll the columns horizontally to bring the right
> most columns into view.

> When RowSelect = True however, simply clicking a cell in one of
> these normally out of view columns causes the grid to cancel the
> horizontal scroll and display column 1 in the left most position.

> How can I have the grid retain the active column in view please?

The feedback from the group here (Danny) was:

> RowSelect does not just make the row appear selected, it changes
> the behaviour of Home/End and such and navigation on the whole.

So my question is: is RowSelect intended to simply paint, or does it
have some additional and undocumented purpose which is resulting in
the scrolling being cancelled?

I appreciate I can do my own painting to get the effect I want, but
at the moment that's not my main concern. I think it far preferable
that we clarify the intention of the RowSelect property and establish
if it does indeed do that. If I can then contribute a sentence or two
to that property's explanation in the source/help file I will feel
our time here has been to good effect.

Thanks, Andy.