Subject MS Money shortcuts in ib_date
Author bamberger_monjaude
i like to give my programms date shortcuts like ms money shortcuts.
It means '*' for today, '+' for date + 1, '-' for date -1.

I could do it in IB_Grid with changing then procedure
TIB_GridInplaceEdit.KeyPress( var Key: Char ).
I added then following lines:

if (SelectedField.IsDateTime) and (Key = '*') then
SelectedField.Value := now;
if (SelectedField.IsDateTime) and (Key = '+') then
SelectedField.Value := SelectedField.Value+1;
if (SelectedField.IsDateTime) and (Key = '-') then
SelectedField.Value := SelectedField.Value-1;

But i couldn't find a solution for IB_Date. Has anyone an idea,
where i can change the behavior of IB_Date to do this ?

Thanks Elmar