Subject Re: [IBO] Focus of TIB_Datasource
Author Helen Borrie

At 03:35 PM 6/08/2004 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Helen,
>thanks for your answer.
>I guess you read my mail to quickly, because
>you wrote:
> > Yes, read the IB_Session.FocusedDatasource property of any
> > TIB_Component. It returns a TDatasource object, so you can refer
> > generically to the properties of the focused datasource.
>but I had written:
> >>I use the AnnounceFocus method of TIB_Datasource and the
> >>TIB_Session.FocusedDataSource property to do some stuff
> >>which needs to know which Datasource is currently active.
>As you see, I am already using the IB_Session.FocusedDatasource
>property. I am looking for a global event which is fired when the
>focus of a datasource is changed to a new one.
>Do you know where I can find this?

Oops, sorry.
Won't the OnGainFocus and OnLoseFocus events of the datasource work for you?


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