Subject Re: Tib_Currency.ReadOnly accept delete key.
Author rudi_josic
Thanks Marco.

Everything works fine now.

> Please, test this fix for few days, and let me know (do you use it
> with read-only fields as well?).
> At least a form with only some unbound IB_Currency controls with
> ReadOnly set to true, when you enter one of them (and the content is
> selected) and press Enter, an exception is raisen. This seems harder
> to fix, though.
> Best regards
> Marco Menardi

No i'm not using read-only fields, just the control, because the
readonly value of the control depends of the user access level. and
the enter key is not a problem (to me) because i use enter to jump to
the next control (as tab key) and when enter is pressed is changed to
#0 in the onkeypress handler of the form.

Thanks Again.-

Best Regards.

Rudi Josic'.