Subject Re: [IBO] select view crashes a remote Firebird Server
Author kokok_kokok
I have modified the view, and it fails again.

I have uploaded the new database to:

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 01:55 PM 31/05/2004 +0000, you wrote:
> > > select nullif(0,0)... will return NULL
> > > select nullif(3,0)... will return NULL
> > > Select nullif(NULL,0) will return zero.
> > >
> >
> >
> >I think that it is not true:
> Correct, it's not true. -- Sorry!
> >In any case, it is not the reason because you can do "select * from
> >female" and you will be able to see the list of recors without
> >problems. I insist that the detonating is the combination of the 2
> >selects. One select alone works ok and never crashes the FB server.
> OK, the next thing you'll need to look at is the columns in the
> the view. You must use aliases on *everything* in joins:
> select
> h.DtNaixement,
> h.Parts,
> h.Parts,
> h.Comentari,
> /* the following three columns */
> CurLoc1,
> CurLoc2,
> CurLoc3,
> coalesce(/* this column */ parts,0)+coalesce(/* this column */
> /* this column */ CurPreWeaneds,
> h.Mare,
> h.DtEntrada,
> h.Genetics,
> h.codi,
> h.herd_id,
> case when /* this column */ dtbaixa is null then 1 else 0 end,
> h.lacstatus,
> f.lfAbortions,
> f.lfliveBorn*1.00 / nullif(,0),
> f.lfStillBorn*1.00 / nullif(,0),
> (f.lfliveBorn+f.lfstillborn+f.lfmummies)*1.00 / nullif(,0),
> /* this column */ lflittersweaned,
> f.lfLiveborn,
> /* this column */ LFLIVEBORNLITWEANED,
> f.lfMummies,
> f.lfnetadded,
> /* this column */ LfNetFostered,
> 100.0 - 100.0* /* all of these columns*/
> lftotalweaned/nullif(lflivebornlitweaned+lfnetfostered,0),
> f.lfServices,
> f.lfStillborn,
> f.lfliveBorn+f.lfstillborn+f.lfmummies,
> h.ubicacio,
> h.PMorfo,
> h.Name,
> h.Registre,
> h.DtBaixa,
> h.CausaBaixa,
> h.TipusBaixa,
> h.reproStatus,
> h.DtRepro-h.DtNaixement,
> h.Pare,
> case when /* this column */ peticiorepos='F' then 0 else 1 end,
> h.UserFieldA0,
> h.UserFieldA1 from herd h
> inner join herd_females f on h.herd_id=f.herd_id
> where h.htype=0;
> Fix up the view and then see whether you can reproduce the problem
> Helen