Subject migrating from Interbase/BDE to Interbase/IBO
Author joehatem
I am facing a small problem:

I was previously using Interbase and accessing it through standard
BDE TTable.
When I inserted a new record, and populated its fields, and then
posted, I could see the immediate effect of such posting on a DBgrid
displaying my data. The record would position itself properly
according to the index in use.

I migrated to IBO, which is supposed to be 100% compatible with the
BDE behavior. But when I post a record, it remains positioned at
the place of insertion and does not show at its proper place on the
grid until I issue a COMMIT statement.

Is the COMMIT compulsory ?
do I have to change all my POSTs statements and add to them a
COMMIT ? This is not 100% compatible with BDE.

note: I am using IBOTable, and my transaction is set to AutoCommit.