Subject Re: [IBO] configuring IBO 4.3Aa for FB 1.5
Author russellbelding
Hello Mark

--- In, Mark Pickersgill <mpickers@i...>
> Sunday, 16 May 2004, 11:19 PM
> Hi Russell,
> If I understand you correctly, you are wanting to force your app to
> fbclient.dll?

I was wanting this as I thought fbclient.dll was new and different
than GDS32.dll. However (see previous messages in this thread), for
IBO only users fbclient.dll can be renamed GDS32.dll and it will work
with IBO. Should fbclient.dll change then IBO+Fb1.5.x users will need
the ability to specify the client dll they use. As you point out
below one can do this now with IBO. A more convenient method would be
safer, such as having a ClientDLL property in TIB_CONNECTION.



> If so, you can create an arbitrary unit with the following code
> was from a previous posing a while back):
> ----
> unit IB_Session_FB;
> // This unit must be included as the first unit in the .dpr file.
> // This forces IBObjects to use the fbclient.dll file instead of
the GDS32.dll
> // client library file.
> interface
> uses
> IB_Constants;
> implementation
> initialization
> // Replace the normal value with the alternate client DLL value.
> IB_Constants.IB_GDS32 := 'FBCLIENT.DLL';
> end.
> ----
> As the comments suggest, you should add this file as the first unit
> your dpr file.
> This will force IBObjects to use fbclient.dll.
> As for fbclient.dll not being installed into system folder, you may
> want to do a search for "windows DLL hell" or the like.
> Correctly, the FB folk keep the client DLL in the application's
> directory to ensure there are no DLL clashes.
> I think it's in the FB release notes somewhere that
> a way to use the client dlls, and that is to keep the fbclient.dll,
> msvcp60.dll and msvcrt.dll files in the same folder as your
> exe, and also create 3 empty files named: fbclient.local,
> msvcp60.local, msvcrt.local
> This ensures that when windows goes to link the DLLs at run-time it
> will use the DLLs in your apps folder as opposed to windows or
> or system32. Think of it as an override.
> cheers
> Mark