Subject Re: [IBO] Remote connection
Author yartax1
Thanks to you, I'm pleased to hear others experiences. In my
situation, all data is in a remote server so I would control every
command sent to DB and try again.


--- In, Lester Caine <lester@l...> wrote:
> yartax1 wrote:
> > I'm interested in devolopment of client-server project with Ibojects /
> > firebird / bcb 6. Client connection would be around the country to a
> > central DB.
> >
> > My principal dubt is connection losses. Does IbObjects control
> > connection losses and self-reconnect with no devolopment needed? or is
> > impossible to control and app would need reopening?
> >
> > Any handy manner to control these possible losses?
> I have systems running that share local and remote data. If the network
> link is down (frame relay links), then the application drops to local
> working and tries again on the next minute tick.
> So while things aren't handled totally by IBO, but by taking care of
> failure messages, reconnects can be made without having to restart the
> application, and so long as they are only short outages, the user may
> just see a longer pause will doing things.
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services