Subject RE: [IBO] Helen .. perhaps this is clearer
Author Adrian Wreyford

Don't you also have to set the gridlinks property of the lookupcombo to
the fields you want displayed when it's dropped down? I know that I had to
define them when I use the component.

Thanks Woody

That one I got, reading the help files.


Don't give up. It gets much easier. If you have been used to using IBX
as I am, you need to understand that there is a totally different approach
to IBO. IBO does some things automatically behind the scenes in a "smart"
way that IBX doesn't. When I first started using IBO a few months ago, I too
went nuts for a day or two until I started figuring out that I needed to
change my thinking. Now, each time I use something different, the time it
takes to figure it out is getting less and less. I used to be very sceptical
when reading about IBO through these groups until I actually started using
it. Being a programmer for many years, I can honestly say that I am
extremely impressed with Jason's work. I guarantee that you will too if you
stick with it.

Well your going to laugh, but I've been with IBO for many years now already,
just program for a few days or hours a month, and that is why I have
difficulty getting to terms with it.

Helen's book has helped me understand Firebird better.

I can't agree more regarding Jason!


Woody (TMW)

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