Subject Problem in Binding Cursor in IB_Sql
Author Don Gollahon
I think this is a bug myself because to get out of it I have to kill IB_Sql.

I used the following query:

c1.subjectid, c1.catid, c1.weight,
sum(g1.points) as Points, sum(g1.totalpts) as TotalPts
from gradebook g1
join assignments a1 on a1.assignmentid = g1.assignid
join classSubject c1 on c1.classid = a1.classid and
c1.subjectid = a1.subjectid and c1.catid = a1.catid
g1.studentid = :pstudentid
and a1.subjectID = :psubjectID
and a1.DateAssigned >= :pStartdate
and a1.DateAssigned <= :pEndDate
and g1.points is not null /* Skips any assignments not graded yet. */
and (g1.ABEX <> 'EX' /* Skips excused assignments. */
or g1.ABEX is null)
group by subjectID, catID, weight

I set the parameters and open the dataset. It works fine.

Then click refresh record rows and I get the error. I click OK to the error

and it comes up again. Only way out is to kill IB_Sql.


Don Gollahon
ICQ#: 115831669
"What in Eternity does it matter?"