Subject Still having problems with OnCalculateField
Author Stuart Hunt
further to the posting I made earlier, i'm still having problems with
OnCalculateField events padding string fields in IB Objects 4.3Aa. My
complete system is:
Delphi 4 update pack 2(I know this is very old - I'm about to upgrade
it but decided to do the upgrade a bit at a time)
InterBase 7.1
IB Objects 4.3Aa
Windows XP Service Pack 1

The problem is still that when I use ARow.ByName('XXX').AsString in
the OnCalculatedField method to get a field value it is padding out
string fields where it didn't used to. For example, code to return
someones name:

procedure TfrmDocSel.qryDocumentCalculateField(Sender: TIB_Statement;
ARow: TIB_Row; AField: TIB_Column);
AField.AsString:=ARow.ByName('FORENAME').AsString+' '+

Now returns "Stuart Hunt " instead of "Stuart
Hunt". I use calculated fields a lot and therefore don't want to have
to manually trim the fields for all these cases.
I have also ensured that the connection's DefaultNoTrimming property
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or is this a problem with IB
Objects with Delphi 4?
Thanks in advance,
Stuart Hunt