Subject how to do this
Author Gediminas
easy question, but don't know how to do it :-/

Have 2 tables - person & work:
ID_person ID_job
name work_place
surname duration
age salary
gender description
etc etc
... ...

ID_person & ID_job are primary keys (pk)

Also have third table, which links person with job:

ID_jobperson is pk

On a form there are several ib_comboboxes, which display name, surname, job
description. Question would be how to using such comboboxes (user chooses
name/surname/job from the dropdown list or enter manually - actually there
would be lookup/search - if person not exist in DB, then there would popup
another window) to fill third table entries - ID_person & ID_work? (we know
person name, surname, job description, but need to get theirs pk).

first idea to get needed pk's is such sql:
select id_person, id_job
from person, job
where name = :name and surname = :surname and description = :description

Is it possible needed action perfom with the IB components? how? (how to
post ID_person, ID_job, if those fields are not visible to user)

another (stupid?) question: what does it mean unidirectional dataset - read
only? or what?

--/ Gediminas /--
The Truth Is Out There