Subject Re: [IBO] Transactions
Author Joshua Higgs
> It sounds to me as if you have not connected the datasets to their
> transactions, so the datasets are creating their own default
> transactions. There's not enough hard info here to draw any conclusions
> about anything.

If I didn't have my qryRead pointing to txnRead, then I wouldn't have
thought that
txnRead.intransaction would be being set to false after executing;

I have attached DFM code and the pas too

> Show us the DFM code for the connection, transaction and dataset objects.

> Also, don't use TIB_Query for update SQL. It's too wasteful. Use
> TIB_Cursor or TIB_DSQL.

Thanks for this hint - Now I have a few hours work to do to change a couple
of hundred TIB_Query's to TIB_Cursors :-)

Supposing I was executing a procedure (one without suspend statements),
would you suggest TIB_Cursor or TIB_DSQL?

As I was getting the DFM code to show you I realise my data module has a
couple of other problems that could affect this issue. So I'll let you know
if I have any further problems

Thanks for the fast reply
