Subject Re: [IBO] negative floating point
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:16 AM 18/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi there,
>I use IBO4_h.
>I have a TIB_Cursor which sums a float field, for some reason the
>field returned is incorrect if it is a negative, e.g. the field
>is '.-4' rather than '-0.04', no matter what display format or
>editmask I set on the cursor, I have tried the same with TIB_Query
>with the same result. Any suggestions why this is happening and how
>it can be solved?

I can't reproduce this in an ib_grid. Can you provide an example of the
SQL involved and also a) what mask you have tried for its DisplayFormat
property and b) what control you are displaying it in?
