Subject Re: [IBO] Is this a BUG??
Author Mieke Janson

I had the same problem yesterday. It was fixed when I set the char-set tot
none while I created the database, and also when I register the database. It
worked for me....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Burak OZLER" <burak.ozler@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: [IBO] Is this a BUG??

> I'm trying to Extract metadata form my FB Database I'm using Dialect 3 FB
1.0.2 On Windows 2000 My DB uses WIN1254 my Connections CharacterSet is the
same as my DB but when I try to get the meta data. I have
> "ISC ERROR CODE:335544321
> arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
> Cannot transliterate character between character sets
> TIB_Cursor: "<TApplication>.frmSQL.cnEdit.<TIB_Cursor>.""
> HAs ANy One know how to fix this..
> --------------------------------
> Burak OZLER
> Ucuncu Bilgisayar "MagicSoft"
> +90 232 464 89 33 Ext:123
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> But together we have it all "
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